Organizational Foundation – 2023 July

Organizational Foundation – 2023 July

Plan, Organize, Lead and Coordinate the team of translators of a specific language to ensure translation of all content and materials produced by the CFU to fulfill its purpose.

The CFU is Looking for Your Help

By Luis Miguel Morales Urrea

We at the CFU are improving the world by sharing a new revelation of Jesus' life. We are building a GREAT Organization with the foundation to endure a millennium, lovingly serving the public and transforming the world as Jesus did by creating best-in-class experiences focused on His life and teachings.  

Our 10-year target is to reach a billion souls.


These positions are meant to be occupied by volunteers.  There is no economic compensation set.  If you are interested in applying to any of these opportunities, please email us your CV to making clear in the subject which position you are interested in.

Creative Writers (ENG)

As a Creative Writer, you will be tasked with creating a Wikipedia-style paged Discover Jesus “nodes”.  Finally, we will provide a computer tool where you can document the curated content. You will be provided with all the information from the computer model, including biblical and Urantia Book references. You will receive a brief with clear guidelines as to the style, language and length of the pieces you will write. Finally, you will work according to an existing template. See full description here.

WMOJ Treasurer

The Worldwide Ministry of Jesus accepts, processes, and records the donations received for the Center for Unity. WMOJ has a Board level Treasurer position but with the increase in donations and the hiring of a CPA for bookkeeping, we need a person to interface with our CPA and make sure that our donations, taxes, and donor documentation is perfectly accounted for and recorded. This position will begin as an understudy to the current WMOJ Treasurer with the goal of assuming full responsibility within 6-8 months. See full description here.

Translation Coordinator (ENG)

Plan, Organize, Lead and Coordinate the team of translators of a specific language to ensure the adequate translation of all content and materials produced by the CFU to fulfill its purpose. The scope areas will be five: CFU Promo (Videos, Presentations, Collateral Materials), the Discover Jesus app, Newsletter, Website and Ambassador Program. See full description here.

Escritores Creativos (ESP)

Como escritor creativo, se le encargará la creación de “nodos” paginados al estilo Wikipedia para la aplicación “Descubre a Jesús”. Finalmente, proporcionaremos una herramienta informática donde podrá documentar el contenido. Se le proporcionará toda la información del modelo informático, incluyendo referencias bíblicas y del Libro de Urantia. Recibirá un resumen con pautas claras en cuanto al estilo, idioma y longitud de las piezas que escribirás.  Por último, trabajará según una plantilla existente. Ver la Descripción Completa aquí.

Coordinador de Traducción (ESP)

Planear, Organizar, Liderar y Coordinar al equipo de traductores de un idioma específico para asegurar la adecuada traducción de todos los contenidos y materiales producidos por el CFU para cumplir con su propósito. Las áreas de alcance serán cinco: CFU Promo (Videos, Presentaciones, Materiales Colaterales), Metaverse App, Newsletter, Página web y Programa de Embajadores. Ver la Descripción Completa aquí.

Traductores al Español

Realizar el proceso de Traducción y revisión de todos los contenidos y materiales producidos por el CFU garantizando la mayor fidelidad posible del idioma de origen (inglés) . Puede actuar según su asignación en alguna de las siguientes áreas: CFU Promo (Videos, Presentaciones, Materiales Colaterales), Metaverse App, Newsletter, Página web y Programa de Embajadores. Ver la Descripción Completa aquí.