Discover Jesus

Discover Jesus at your own pace with this unique web app.

About This Project

Our mission is to help you connect with God in a meaningful way. As a young person seeking truth, we understand how important it is to find guidance that resonates with you.

Jesus, a spiritual icon, serves as an inspiration for all of us. His life and teachings can help you establish a personal connection with God.

We have created an interactive app that brings his life story from The Urantia Book to you. Our app is similar to a Jesus-focused Wikipedia, containing hundreds of original essays that simplify his teachings and make them relevant to your life.

But our app is much more than a simple reading platform. It is a private and ad-free social network that connects you with other truth seekers and mentors on the same journey as you.

Join us and explore how Jesus' teachings can apply to your life. We assure you that our web app provides a unique and meaningful experience to connect with God and others on the same path.

Click here to explore the life and teachings of Jesus.

Discover Jesus

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