CFU Fundraising Update 2025 MAR

CFU Fundraising Update 2025 MAR

While we take advantage of the time and talents of our dedicated volunteers, some things, especially technology and innovation, require financial investment to accomplish.

CFU Fundraising Update 2025 MAR

By Rick Lyon

Open Letter to UB Organizations, Study Groups, and Individuals

The Center For Unity, in the spirit of unity, is excited to share a suite of new tools and resources designed to enhance your own efforts to study, teach, and share The Urantia Book.  

Here are links to the resources we have created. We invite you to use these in your own service opportunities.

We are available to host a Zoom meeting with you to show you how to use these new resources and how they can benefit you and those you seek to serve. If you would like to schedule a 15-20 minute Zoom with us, send an email to: with a few suggestions of desired time and date. We are available for any events where you may want us to do a presentation.

• Explore a compilation of 500 essays about Jesus, drawn from Part IV of The Urantia Book.

• This custom-made learning experience offers insights into the people, places, topics, events, and dates surrounding Jesus’ life.

• French and Spanish versions are now available.

• Consider using these essays in your study group or sharing them with those new to The Urantia Book.

• Over 23,000 individual users from 143 countries.

• Enjoy a fun, entertaining, and enlightening discussion of each individual paper from The Urantia Book. 

• This free-flowing format is perfect for both new readers and seasoned students.

• Listen to Urantia Book Podcasts on your commute, during your workouts, or while relaxing at home!

• Experience the future of education for the Urantia teachings with this AI-powered interactive tutor.

• Get instant, personalized responses to your questions, explore new concepts, and deepen your     understanding of the teachings.

• Ask the Tutor to explain a complex concept in simple terms or to explore it from different perspectives. Ask for a response that a child can understand.

• Ask a question in any language and get the response in that language. 

• Witness the power of The Urantia Book stories brought to life through 'The Divine Within' streaming film series. 

• Visit the Divine Mother Productions website above to watch the trailer and learn about this exciting project to reach a new generation with this revelation. 

• View the trailer and learn about the message we want to share and how you can support this groundbreaking film project.

• The Center For Unity is seeking funding from investors to bring this vision to life.

• Get instant answers to your questions about Jesus with this AI-powered chatbot. 

• Ask a question in any language and get the response in that language.

• Since its launch at the Parliament of the World's Religions, it has answered over 60,000 meaningful questions.

• Experiment with different types of questions and explore the vast knowledge base of this unique resource.

All of us at The Center For Unity encourage you to explore these fun and exciting new resources. We invite you to use them and share the adventure with others. 

Our Website and Newsletter

Visit our website at to learn more and sign up for our monthly newsletter, Behind the Scenes at CFU. We have a new website in the works, and coming soon.

Ask Me Anything!

Join us for our monthly 'Ask Me Anything" Live Zoom meeting to connect with the CFU team. Come share your questions and comments. Hear stories of those who have benefitted from all these things that you help create. The AMA Zoom link is in the newsletter. in Spanish and French

The first release of in Spanish and French are now available. Click on the globe icon at the top right of the home page and select your language. Creating translations accurately is no small task even in this time of AI translations. Getting the unique Urantia terminology translated accurately is even more difficult.

We wish to thank Urantia Foundation for their help making these translations of the highest quality available. Please share this new resource with our Spanish and French speaking Urantia family. Portuguese is coming soon. 

New Merchandise from CFU—Now Available on Amazon

The online store from our website: has several items available. These items also show your support and the CFU family that you belong to and are a passive way of sharing this new revelation of Jesus with others while looking pretty cool and stylish in the process. Visit our online store at: CFU Merchandise

Since our last AMA, we have created a connection with We will be adding merchandise to our Amazon store which will greatly expand the availability of our merchandise and also the reach of our message to the world beyond the Urantia community. Here are our first new items now available on Amazon. Click on the photo to visit on Please share the links with all our kindreds spirits following Jesus. Proceeds from these items go to support our many projects, completed and in development.  

CFU on Urantia Radio

On Sunday, March 2nd, Rick Lyon was the featured guest on Jim Watkins' Urantia Radio podcast. In addition to our CFU projects the discussion addressed the Dr. Sadler document:

Consideration of Some Criticisms of The Urantia Book and the Sixty-Four Original Urantia Book Concepts.

You can find Jim Watkins' podcast with Rick Lyon on most major podcast websites but here is a link:

Urantia Radio Podcasts

Fundraising Needs

While we take advantage of the time and talents of our dedicated volunteers, some things, especially technology and innovation, require financial investment to accomplish. Here are some of the expenses that are coming in the next few months.

• $2500 retainer with legal work paid on a per hour basis for "The Divine Within Films."  

• $25,000 for a professionally created "pitch bible" for potential investors in the film project.  

• $15,000 to complete

• $15,000 for upgrades and translations for  

• $15,000 needed to begin work on  

• $25,000 for a unique podcast for "The Divine Within."  

If you would like to help create and support these projects, please Donate Here.