Man is a Child of God

Man is a Child of God


“Jesus swept away all of the ceremonials of sacrifice and atonement. He destroyed the basis of all this fictitious guilt and sense of isolation in the universe by declaring that man is a child of God; the creature-Creator relationship was placed on a child-parent basis.” 103:4.4 (1133.4)

This emphasizes the transformative teachings of Jesus, particularly his rejection of the traditional systems of sacrifice and atonement in religious practice. In ancient Jewish and many other religious traditions, rituals of sacrifice were seen as essential for appeasing God or atoning for sins. These practices often instilled a sense of guilt and separation from the divine, as individuals believed they had to offer something in return for forgiveness. Jesus, however, fundamentally altered this view by sweeping away these ceremonials, teaching that humans did not need to perform sacrificial acts to earn God’s favor. His message freed people from the burden of fictitious guilt and the notion of a distant, unapproachable deity.

By declaring that every person is a child of God, Jesus replaced the hierarchical, transactional relationship between humans and God with one based on love and family. The creature-Creator relationship shifted from one of fear and obligation to a personal, intimate bond resembling that between a child and a parent. This new understanding placed God in the role of a loving Father who unconditionally embraces and supports His children, irrespective of their mistakes or shortcomings. It was a profound declaration that humans, as children of God, are inherently valued and loved without the need for rituals of atonement.

This shift in perspective not only dispelled the notion of guilt but also eliminated the sense of isolation that many experienced in their relationship with the divine. In ancient traditions, individuals often felt distanced from God, needing intermediaries like priests or sacrifices to bridge the gap. Jesus, however, taught that this distance was an illusion, and that humans are always connected to God, as children are to a parent. This teaching reinforced the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, fostering a spiritual environment of love, acceptance, and personal connection to the divine. It revolutionized humanity’s understanding of their relationship with God, offering freedom from fear and guilt, and opening the door to a more direct and loving spiritual experience.