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Great news, UBT enthusiasts! We've been busy enhancing your Urantia Book Tutor experience and are excited to share what's new.
Share the Conversation: You can now share individual conversations with friends and family while keeping all your other discussions private. Grab a link and send it their way!
Copy to Clipboard: Need to save that insightful answer? We've added a simple way to copy text directly to your clipboard with just one click.
Bogus References: We've fixed those pesky bogus references and are working on the real ones!
Hablo Español? Parlez-vous français? UBT now speaks Spanish and French! Access the wisdom of The Urantia Book in more languages.
Coming Soon: Get ready for our new landing page, mobile phone support, voice modes, and accurate references to take your study experience to the next level!
Whether studying alone or in a group, these new features are designed to deepen your connection with The Urantia Book.
Have you tried sharing a conversation yet? Tell a friend about Urantia Book Tutor today and spread the wisdom!
With cosmic appreciation,
The UBT Team