The Spirit of God

The Spirit of God


“The great thing in all human experience is the realization of knowing the God whose spirit lives within you and seeks to lead you forth on that long and almost endless journey of attaining the personal presence of our common Father, the God of all creation, the Lord of universes.” Jesus 133:4.5 (1474.5)

It underscores the significance of self-discovery and the spiritual journey in the human experience towards the attainment of the Thought Adjuster; The "God whose spirit lives within you."  This connection is not only a source of personal strength and guidance but also a reminder of our shared spiritual heritage as children of a common Creator.

This concept further emphasizes the idea of a continuous and almost endless journey towards attaining a personal presence of God. This journey reflects the human quest for spiritual growth and enlightenment. It implies that the process of understanding and connecting with a divine presence is ongoing, and that individuals should be patient and committed in their pursuit. This idea resonates with various religious and philosophical traditions, highlighting the universal human longing for a deeper connection with the divine.

Moreover, it stresses the universality of God as the "God of all creation" and the "Lord of universes." It acknowledges the omnipresence and omnipotence of the divine, transcending individual beliefs and denominations. This idea encourages a sense of unity and shared spirituality among people, regardless of their religious affiliations. In an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, this perspective on divinity can foster understanding and tolerance among different belief systems, promoting the idea that we are all interconnected through a shared spiritual journey towards a common Creator, and the actualization of the Supreme.

This thought underscores the importance of self-realization and the spiritual journey in the human experience. It promotes the idea of an inner connection to a divine presence and a continuous quest to understand and connect with this presence. Moreover, it emphasizes the universality of the divine, transcending individual beliefs, and fostering a sense of unity among people. Ultimately, the thought invites us to embrace the notion of a shared spiritual journey towards the common Father, the God of all creation, and the Lord of universes, highlighting the potential for spiritual harmony and understanding in the diverse tapestry of human beliefs.