The Gift of Eternal Life

The Gift of Eternal Life


“All this power which is inherent in Jesus—the endowment of life—and which enabled him to rise from the dead, is the very gift of eternal life which he bestows upon kingdom believers, and which even now makes certain their resurrection from the bonds of natural death.” 190:0.2 (2029.2)

This highlights the divine power inherent in Jesus, which enabled his resurrection and symbolizes the gift of eternal life that he offers to his followers. The power that allowed Jesus to rise from the dead is not merely an individual triumph but a universal one, representing the divine endowment of life that extends beyond physical existence. This power of resurrection is central to faith, as it signifies Jesus' victory over death, ensuring that death does not hold ultimate power over believers. It is a promise that life extends beyond the grave, a spiritual reality made possible by Jesus' divine authority.

The gift of eternal life that Jesus bestows upon kingdom believers is rooted in their faith and their acceptance of his teachings. Those who believe in Jesus and the spiritual kingdom he proclaimed are assured of their own resurrection. This means that physical death is not the end but a transition to a new and higher form of existence. The "bonds of natural death" refer to the limitations and finality of physical life, but through Jesus' gift, believers are given the certainty of life beyond these constraints. This promise of resurrection is not a distant or abstract concept; it is something that believers can hold as certain hope, even in their present life.

Ultimately, this gift of eternal life underscores the intimate relationship between Jesus and his followers. His resurrection is not an isolated event but a pathway for all who embrace his teachings. In essence, Jesus' power over death becomes the believers' power, ensuring that they, too, will rise after death. This gift reflects the profound spiritual connection between Jesus and his followers, a connection that transcends the limitations of human mortality. Through this endowment, believers are assured of their place in the eternal kingdom, a reality that gives them hope and purpose in both this life and the next.