The Father's Love

The Father's Love


“A Creator Son did not incarnate in the likeness of mortal flesh and bestow himself upon the humanity of Urantia to reconcile an angry God but rather to win all mankind to the recognition of the Father’s love and to the realization of their sonship with God.” 98:7.1 (1083.6)

This underscores a transformative perspective on the purpose of divine incarnation. It explains that the mission of a Creator Son, like Jesus Christ, was not to appease an irate deity but to reveal the profound love of the Universal Father and to foster an awareness of humanity's inherent relationship with God. This view challenges traditional notions of atonement and emphasizes a more positive and inclusive understanding of divine love and grace.

Moreover, it highlights the primary goal of the incarnation as one of revelation and enlightenment. By incarnating in human form, the Creator Son aimed to bridge the gap between the divine and human realms, demonstrating through his life and teachings the unconditional love of the Father. This act of bestowal serves to illustrate that God is not a distant, wrathful judge but a loving parent who desires a close, personal relationship with each individual. It shifts the focus from fear and punishment to love and reconciliation, inviting humanity to embrace their true identity as children of a benevolent Creator.

Furthermore, it emphasizes the transformative impact of recognizing one's sonship with God. This realization carries profound implications for personal identity and spiritual growth. By understanding their divine heritage and connection to the Universal Father, individuals can experience a deeper sense of purpose, belonging, and inner peace. This awareness fosters a more inclusive and compassionate worldview, encouraging individuals to live in harmony with one another and to reflect the divine love in their actions. Ultimately, it invites reflection on the true nature of the divine mission on Urantia, calling humanity to awaken to the profound reality of their relationship with God and to embody the love and teachings exemplified by the Creator Son.