A Love Greater

A Love Greater

Reflect on Jesus' unparalleled love, his sacrifice for humanity, and the powerful lessons of forgiveness and love for all, even in the face of adversity.

“Greater love no man can have than this: that he would be willing to lay down his life for his friends—and Jesus had such a love that he was willing to lay down his life for his enemies, a love greater than any which had hitherto been known on earth.” 188:5.7 (2018.6)

The death of Jesus is the greatest example of boundless love. He had the power to prevent his death, but lovingly accepted it, following the father's will. He never showed disrespect or hate towards his executioners. Throughout this process he kept asking the Father to forgive them. His attitude and character never changed, even when faced by torture and a painful death, he held steadfast.

When we follow his example, and love our enemies, we realize that there is no evil power that can harm us. Once we realize that our fellow human beings, are our brothers in need, we can even understand their painful attacks against us. We can find peace in the spirit of God, and just as Jesus did throughout his crucifixion, we can love our executioners.

Whenever we are in a difficult situation, and we are being abused by a fellow human being, we must remember Jesus and his crucifixion. What would he do? How would he face this situation and what would be his reaction? We must contemplate this, and find the strength and resolve to be able to withstand any painful situation.