“Modern men and women of intelligence evade the religion of Jesus because of their fears of what it will do to them—and with them. And all such fears are well founded. The religion of Jesus does, indeed, dominate and transform its believers.” 195:9.6 (2083.2)
When someone experiences the Religion of Jesus; the way he lived his personal relationship with God, they will truly be changed. The creature-creator relationship that Jesus taught us, is the most important of all his teachings. He didn't only talk the talk, but walked the walk.... he demonstrated both in times of joy, and deep sorrow, (such as when he was about to be crucified), that the most important thing we have is our individual communion with God.
Often times we forget that God is a Father to us, the most loving and caring there is; and as his children we're allowed to comfort and counsel with him. When we bring our daily necessities to the attention of God, and truly ask for his guidance and / or confort, we will always be blessed by his grace. This doesn't mean that he will magically change our situation, but rather we will understand why we are going through that situation and the way it's transforming us.
I believe this is the point of this quote. We are afraid to let go... not only to trust in God, but to transform that part of us that needs to change. For when we follow the Religion of Jesus we must also change all that is rooted in ego and selfishness. This means opening our minds to hear our Thought Adjuster, and let him lead us into this transformation. Once we go through this change, in the very soul of ourselves, then our every action will be guided to serve and do God's Will. This is the very relationship that Jesus talked about. Giving our total faith in the Father, and aligning ourselves to do his Will. This indeed dominates and transforms any believer.