Discover Jesus App: Status 2023 Jun

Discover Jesus App: Status 2023 Jun

DISCOVER JESUS is the new name for the app!

Discover Jesus is the new name for the app!


Our audience members got to play with the first demo of the app, and we've received very valuable feedback, which Lisa has collated and Fraser is now implementing.

If you'd like to join the beta-testing team, please fill in our volunteer application and mention "Discover Jesus beta testing team" in the comments.

MAY-JUN 2023 – MVP1

MVP1 is shorthand for Minimum Viable Product version 1. This update concerns the calendar months of April-May 2023.

Lisa and January designed Journey mode.

Fraser is polishing the UX. He has finished the implementation of all of the Listing and Detail pages and is now working on the hover popups – what you see when you hover over a link.


The team has met for the 3rd writer's conference.

Tracey has joined the team. Welcome Tracey!

Each essay represents an original new exposition of a Person, Location, Topic or Relationship from part IV of The Urantia Book.

In essence, we are writing a whole Wikipedia only about the life and teachings of Jesus.


Gary has continued to paint for the app. He is using the Midjourney AI program to produce a draft and then completes the work himself. Take a look at the Women's Evangelistic Corps!

The Women's Evangelistic Corps by Gary Tonge using Midjourney


As you can imagine, this is a huge project but we have a team of enthusiastic Urantia students working on it. Lisa is creating the pages, functionality, and the look and feel of the Discover Jesus. Fraser is developing the app to work on smart phones, tablets, and computers in both Apple and Android.

This is our next fund raising challenge, but it will be the final major step to bring this project to completion.

Help us with a $25/month donation. Only 500 committed donors are needed to sustain the development of the app!

Look for the Contribute button at the top of this page, or donate below.

Thank you.