The Fruits of New Life

The Fruits of New Life


“Sometimes the planting of a seed necessitates its death, the death of your fondest hopes, before it can be reborn to bear the fruits of new life and new opportunity.” 48:6.36 (555.4)

This speaks to the transformative nature of loss and renewal. Just as a seed must be buried and cease to exist in its original form to grow into something greater, so too must individuals sometimes let go of cherished dreams or attachments in order to make way for new possibilities. This process can be painful, but it is often necessary for spiritual and personal growth.

In life, people encounter moments when their expectations and ambitions do not unfold as they had hoped. These disappointments may feel like failures, but they can actually serve as catalysts for new beginnings. Letting go of an unfulfilled dream allows space for unforeseen opportunities that may be even more fulfilling than what was initially desired. Just as nature follows cycles of death and rebirth, so too must individuals learn to trust that loss can lead to greater purpose and meaning.

This principle also applies to the spiritual journey. Jesus himself demonstrated this truth through his willingness to sacrifice his earthly life, which ultimately led to the triumph of resurrection and the birth of a greater spiritual movement. In the same way, believers are called to release their fears, doubts, and personal limitations in order to embrace a higher calling. True faith requires surrender, but in that surrender, one finds the fruits of new life, renewed hope, and divine purpose.