The Domain of the Indwelling Thought Adjuster

The Domain of the Indwelling Thought Adjuster


“There is also a domain of prayer wherein the intellectually alert and spiritually progressing individual attains more or less contact with the superconscious levels of the human mind, the domain of the indwelling Thought Adjuster.” 91:2.6 (996.4)

Prayer is very powerful. Its a direct connection to God and a vehicle for our minds to grow. This is where our thought adjuster resides and interacts with us. When we let this spirit guide us, we are pointed into the right directions. We slowly move towards the path of destiny that best suits us as individuals. Another thing that happens is that we are transformed, first in our thoughts, then in our action, and lastly in our character.

When we sincerely pray and leave the result in the hands of God, we acknowledge that we have a superior force guiding us. When we yield our will to that of this spirit we realize that we are being guided, often times, through troubled waters but eventually to the port we must dock at. We understand that the rough seas we're traversing are necessary to build our character, test and strengthen our will, and ultimately transform us into the spiritual beings we are.

As you pray, and receive the comforting embrace of the Father, remember that you are being transformed. As you ask for guidance, know that the first step is always in our mind; as we believe in the Thought Adjusters guidance we are embracing this transformation that will ultimately make us a stronger and will powered individual. that can front all adversity and serve the Will of God.