Striking Background

Striking Background

The universe is the vinyl record that holds the music, but it needs a tough, rough, hard diamond needle to play the music.

Striking Background

By Santiago Kneeland

It is not that Urantia needed a Creator Son to set its tangled affairs in order; it is rather that the evil and sin on Urantia afforded the Creator Son a more striking background against which to reveal the matchless love, mercy, and patience of the Paradise Father. 76:5.7 The Urantia Book

The reason this world was chosen over many others for the final Bestowal mission of Michael of Nebadon, was the many problems it had. Urantia is the planet with the most issues in the Universe of Nebadon; Decimal planet, Color Races issue, Lucifer Rebellion & Caligastia downfall, Adam & Eve default are some of them.

Michael chose this planet because it would be the greatest contrast for his bestowal mission. This world afforded him so much sinful and evil material, that his presentation of the Love of God would be seen as a beacon amidst the fog. This would be helpful for other planets that fell into the Rebellion, not only Urantia. 

Even though his associates warned him of the perils he might encounter living a life in the flesh here, he chose it anyway, and eventually died a horrible death on the cross. Nevertheless he knew that even this inglorious death would bring great power to his message, and serve as an example for this and other universes.

I have always thought of this planet as the "needle in the record player." The universe is the vinyl record that holds the music, but it needs a tough, rough, hard diamond needle to play the music. We are that needle point, that has to withstand the pressure, in order for the music of the universe to be played.