Special Friends of CFU – Ted Blaney

Special Friends of CFU – Ted Blaney

Ten percent of the financial blessing will be deposited into our Light and Life Legacy Endowment Fund in Ted's name.

Special Friends of CFU – Ted Blaney

By Rick Lyon

Today we are announcing the creation of a new Ted Blaney Memorial Challenge Fund. We will always remember Ted as our beloved "special friend, brother, and study group partner" who recently left Urantia and is moving on to one of the many mansions promised by Jesus. Ted made The Center For Unity a beneficiary of his estate before he suffered a sudden and unexpected illness earlier in May. As a result, the CFU has received a significant donation from Ted.

In Memory of Ted Blaney

Shortly before Ted graduated from mortal life, we were discussing his desire to set up a large matching fund challenge to support CFU projects. Ted was one of our earliest donors and he was the first to invite CFU to give a live presentation for his Orvonton Society group.

Ted was particularly interested in being involved with our Cinematic Jesus project, (recently renamed "The Divine Within Films") and for those of you who knew him personally, knowing his love for children, fostering, and his focus on education, you'd understand that he was especially thrilled with the potential for creating AI-generated children's films based on storytelling from The Urantia Book and featuring them as "Uncle Joshua's Workshop." As you probably know, The Center For Unity is in the process of creating an AI film trailer that we hope will invite funds to create other AI and live actor short films in partnership with YES Productions in New Orleans.

Since we have already received the entire amount of these funds, we cannot create a matching fund campaign. However, may we challenge you to double the impact of this blessing from Ted by making a donation in his honor? If you accept, please use this link to donate:

Ted Blaney Memorial Challenge Fund

Ten percent of the financial blessing will be deposited into our Light and Life Legacy Endowment Fund in Ted's name. This will grow to fund CFU and other significant Urantia-related projects long into the future. Let me say that what Ted has done by making CFU a beneficiary of his estate, is something Susan and I (and others) have done to ensure the success of the important CFU projects that are underway, and we invite you to consider doing so as well.

There is the old saying "You can't take it with you" but may I suggest that what you do with resources in this life, may actually "echo in eternity." As you can see here, it makes a huge difference in our service to God and mankind. What was considered only a dream a few years ago is moving forward in production because of the generosity of people like Ted. Please consider this idea of honoring Ted by supporting our efforts for bringing the fifth epochal revelation to humanity. The world will benefit from your gift long after we have all joined Ted and have moved on to bigger and better things!

If you would like to know more about Ted click here to read many testimonials of how well-loved and respected he was among our Urantia Community. Our loss is heaven's gain... until we meet again.