Jesus taught that the prayer for divine guidance over the pathway of earthly life was next in importance to the petition for a knowledge of the Father’s will.
“Jesus taught that the prayer for divine guidance over the pathway of earthly life was next in importance to the petition for a knowledge of the Father’s will. In reality this means a prayer for divine wisdom.” 146:2.14
Prayer is the most potent tool we have to align your will with the Will of God. First and foremost we must know the Will of the Father, understand it, and later align ourselves with it. Many people have asked me, “how do you know the Will of God, and how can we understand his volition? It may seem complex, but it’s really simple. God’s Will for his ascending children is: “Know me, and be you perfect as I am perfect.” There’s no documented set of rules, or a whole “constitution” explaining his Will; it’s simply knowing his true nature, and each day modifying our nature to be more like his.
When we pray, we are not asking for divine intervention to modify our material surroundings so that they can favor our will…. On the contrary, it's asking God to modify our thoughts so that we may align our emotions, actions and will to his Will and the process of the Universe. This is not limited to our material existence, but it indeed transcends to the spiritual realities we need to align to.
Through prayer we establish a personal communion with God. We allow him in our minds, give thanks, and share our grievances and petitions. It's not a selfish communication where we ask him to modify things in our favor, but rather an honest conversation that seeks to transform us from the inside so that we may then transform our outside. When our prayer is aligned with the Will of God; everything is possible, even if that means that we need to “destroy” a part of us that is not aligned with his Will. This is the true form of transformation for any human being; realizing that a part of us has to die because it’s hindering us. When this happens there is a total release from the bonds of time and material grievances. We put forth spiritual values, which are eternal, over anything temporal.