I believe in the projects. I believe in Jesus, and I know that the people involved feel likewise.
As many of you may know, our Discover Jesus illustrations, and well-nigh all branding artwork used by The Center For Unity is created by our wonderful friend and prodigy, Gary Tonge. He has graciously taken time out of an extremely busy schedule to share his story with our readers this month, and we know his many fans will enjoy it – as many have discovered the fifth epochal revelation through his artwork!
Name, location, my family
Hi! My name is Gary Tonge – and although I am originally from the UK, now I live in British Columbia, Canada with my family. It is such a beautiful part of the world, and we love it here so much.
My journey as an artist
From an early age I loved art – and from the beginning of home computers that “used color” – I became more and more interested in being able to paint “with light” – painting digitally. At the time, computers were very limited, in fact, it was a huge deal when my parents bought me an Atari ST at the start of 1987 – which allowed me to paint in up to 16 colors at once!
Through my love of painting computers and computer games – I managed to land a job in video games at the very end of 1987. I was barely 17 years old and it was truly my dream job at the time. I stayed in and around games from that point until April 2016, when I left the industry to work full time for the revelation.
During my time in video games, I was fortunate to be able to hone my skills as an artist at the same time that computers themselves were growing in technological prowess. I literally forged my art at the same time as computers overcame “traditional” art as the de facto method for creation. From basic pixel art, into 3D rendering and finally high quality 3D real time gaming, I was there through it all.
However, upon reflection, I feel now that my time in games was effectively a rehearsal for the work I now wish to do. So many of the skills and experience I acquired in my 28 years in games have become vital in the works that are being created for The Urantia Book. Coupled with my desire for high production values – these experiences are intrinsic to making works that “meet people where they are” and hopefully inspire them.
The revelation needs quality secondary works. Not the veneer of quality, but quality from inception, scripting, comprehension, visuals, narration, audio, timing, storytelling and a litany of other details. I feel I have been enabled to do this and I hope I can for a long time to come. (Editor's Note: Visit Gary's website Vision Afar to explore more of his current projects).
It’s not easy, working for the revelation at this time – there is little material sustainment to be found – but that will never stop me from doing everything I can – and I know my dear friends who work with me feel exactly the same.
How I found The Urantia Book
Oh boy, that is a complicated question to answer! And I do not write down the details of what actually happened. I am, however, happy to talk to people about it face to face. But when all is said and done – and the longer it has been since the events of September 1995 until April 1997 (when I acquired the UB) I am more and more conscious that it is the study of the revelation that far, far outmatches those wonderful and amazing events that brought The Urantia Book into my life.
How I got involved with the CFU
It was around June or July of 2020 when I happened to have a great conversation with Gabriel Rymberg. The original remit of our chat was due to him being asked to interview me for the “Urantia Hackathon 2020.” We did the interview and before we knew it, we were talking about all manner of revelatory concepts and also his desire to bring The Real Jesus to the forefront on this world. Seems like it was meant to be, to me. We have been firm, honest and love directed friends ever since.
Before long, we both worked on a lot of materials that were, at first, for the promotion of what is now considered to be “The Jesus Experience” – and those early efforts migrated into a plethora of greater project ideas that now come under the umbrella of “The Center for Unity.” What a blessing to be involved with these amazing, far reaching and audacious projects for The Master.
My contribution to the CFU
My role has changed over time. At first I was making a lot of promotional materials and videos. But as the CFU has grown into a larger group of dedicated people, I have increasingly specialized more.
For example, when the “Discover Jesus” app was being planned, I suggested that my wife, Lisa (an amazon artist in her own right) would be far better suited and skillful at working out the UI and UX for the app. I deferred to her on DJ (Discover Jesus) and moved to be more of an art director for the look and feel of content. I feel things have worked out really well with this balance.
More recently, I focus my attention mostly on creating illustrations for the many aspects of DJ – a manifold task indeed! I use some AI to help speed up my workflow, in all honesty, without that buttress, I would never keep up with the work of the writers. And I do, now, after reflection, feel morally OK doing so – because we do this project not for profit, we do it for this world, we do it for Michael, we do it for Jesus.
Why I contribute my time to the CFU
I believe in the projects. I believe in Jesus, I know that the people involved feel likewise. I believe the world needs to know the true life and teachings of Jesus before we can move forward with a universally aligned path from the confusion that besets this sphere.
Why the CFU is important to me
I feel the CFU is another strong and evolving branch within the gamut of quality secondary works that are being created right now. Anecdotal, the work I personally make with other UB students touches often on Jesus while also trying to unpack the vivid revelations in the UB. I feel wholeheartedly that the work of the CFU completely compliments not only the work we are doing – but it does so for all other quality secondary revelation works.
Additional thoughts
I cannot tell you how happy I am to be in a position to not only work on these projects with so many wonderful people, but earnestly doing so with them, for Jesus.
Jesus changed this world forever. I often feel many people assume this means “while he was living here.” I believe Jesus is changing this world forever – it is happening constantly, dynamically and is building momentum, through the efforts of those who feel The Spirit of Truth and who love Jesus.
“No matter how difficult it may be, just now you must walk by faith and not by sight. Doubt not that I am able to finish the work I have begun, and that I shall eventually see all of my faithful ambassadors in the kingdom beyond.” 174:0.2 (1897.2)
"But first must you gird yourselves and complete the work which you have begun with me." 178:3.4 (1934.6)