


“Materialism cheapens human life; the gospel of Jesus tremendously enhances and supernally exalts every mortal.” 102:6.10 (1125.5)

Often times the material world traps us in situations that do not exalt the spirit. This is the greatest challenge of our material existence; the necessity to provide for human bodies, while not neglecting our spiritual natures. This might have been easier in olden times, where we didn't have the technologies and systems of our times. Nevertheless our basic human and spiritual natures are the same as those of past generations, its our environment that has changed.

The Gospel of Jesus teaches us that the brotherhood of man should be at the forefront of our activities. That providing for our material existence should never be above this brotherhood of man, and fatherhood of God. If it does, we will spiral downward in a self-centered illusion that is never ceases. We shut down from our true spiritual natures, and become trapped in a materialistic reality, which will ultimately end.

Secularism is the God of Materialism; it cheapens our human life, and chains us to a false reality. The challenge therefore, is to live and thrive in a material world, by exalting our spiritual nature through the service of our brothers and sisters. Even if we fail, or the roads of life take us in directions we were not expecting, we can overcome these failures and traverse any road, knowing that we are all brothers, and have a loving Father.