Equity & Justice of Material Situations

Equity & Justice of Material Situations


“When in honest doubt about the equity and justice of material situations, let your decisions favor those who are in need, favor those who suffer the misfortune of undeserved hardships.” 132:5.13 (1463.7)

This is an interesting lesson from Jesus about equity and justice in a material world. I think our material world is ruled by certain laws, that in many times make situations contradictory. The very nature of our polarity or duality makes our existence a balance between opposites. If we look at humanity as an collective entity of human individuals that is evolving as a part of the supreme, we can view it as an individual entity that has a function in the actualization process.

This means that this "human entity" lives within the same material rules that we as individuals have. So, in many cases we have to deal with a moral issue beyond ourselves, that involve more parties. This will be hard in some cases because there are good arguments from different sides that validate both cases. There is no right or wrong answer, and the basis of the arguments make both sides plausible, there are some cases that have a thin line, where we have to make judgement. We're sometimes called to weigh in our individual morality and decision making in order to advance the actualization of the supreme. The way this plays out between human individuals in the material world, is contributing (or deterring), the evolution of humanity towards perfection and eventual actualization of the supreme.

This teaching helps us keep in mind, and even think about; those in need, suffer misfortune and undeserved hardship. With all things being equal, you cannot decide between one or the other, favor the one who needs it most. They might be people and situations very close and common to us, and we may be situations where we must judge trying to be equal and just. Who in your moral judgement benefits more from this situation without affecting the other....