Divine Forgiveness is Inevitable

Divine Forgiveness is Inevitable


“Divine forgiveness is inevitable; it is inherent and inalienable in God’s infinite understanding, in his perfect knowledge of all that concerns the mistaken judgment and erroneous choosing of the child.” Jesus- 174:1.3 (1898.3)

This highlights the concept of divine forgiveness as an inherent aspect of God's nature, rooted in His perfect understanding and infinite knowledge. Unlike human forgiveness, which is often conditional or based on judgment, God's forgiveness is inevitable and unconditional. God’s perfect knowledge allows Him to fully comprehend the reasons behind human errors and misjudgments, seeing beyond the act itself to understand the heart and circumstances of the individual. This means that God's forgiveness is not something that must be earned but is always available because of His complete awareness of the frailty and imperfection of His children.

The phrase "inherent and inalienable" emphasizes that divine forgiveness is not something that can be withdrawn or denied. It is an essential part of God's relationship with humanity, grounded in His infinite love and compassion. This understanding contrasts with human experiences of forgiveness, which are often limited by emotional reactions, misunderstandings, or conditions. In God's perfect wisdom, He sees each person as a beloved child, capable of mistakes but always worthy of love and grace. His forgiveness flows naturally from His deep understanding of human struggles and limitations.

Finally, it underscores the merciful nature of God’s forgiveness, which is more about understanding and healing than punishment. God knows the reasons behind our “mistaken judgment and erroneous choosing,” recognizing that humans often act from a place of ignorance, fear, or misunderstanding. Divine forgiveness is designed not just to absolve but to uplift, helping individuals learn from their errors and grow spiritually. The certainty of divine forgiveness offers comfort and hope, reminding us that no matter our mistakes, God's infinite understanding and love remain constant.