Childlike Belief

Childlike Belief


“Though Jesus taught that faith, simple childlike belief, is the key to the door of the kingdom, he also taught that, having entered the door, there are the progressive steps of righteousness which every believing child must ascend in order to grow up to the full stature of the robust sons of God.” 170:3.2 (1861.9)

This highlights a profound aspect of Jesus' teachings, emphasizing that while faith is the initial requirement to enter the kingdom of God, it is not the endpoint of spiritual growth. Jesus likened faith to a key, a simple and childlike belief that unlocks the door to the kingdom. This metaphor underscores the accessibility of divine grace and the inclusiveness of Jesus' message, suggesting that anyone, regardless of their background or intellectual prowess, can begin their spiritual journey through sincere faith. This childlike faith is characterized by trust, openness, and a willingness to embrace the divine presence in one's life without the need for complex theological understanding.

However, entering the kingdom through faith is just the beginning of a believer's spiritual journey. Jesus taught that once inside, believers are called to embark on a path of progressive righteousness. This involves actively seeking to embody and practice the virtues and ethical teachings that Jesus espoused. The "progressive steps of righteousness" refer to the ongoing process of moral and spiritual development that transforms a believer into a "robust son of God." This growth is not automatic but requires conscious effort and commitment to live out the principles of love, compassion, justice, and humility in daily life. It is through these progressive steps that a believer matures spiritually, moving beyond mere belief to a deep, transformative relationship with God.

Ultimately, it encapsulates the dynamic nature of the Christian spiritual journey. Faith opens the door, but growth into the "full stature" of a son of God necessitates an ongoing process of moral and spiritual maturation. This journey involves learning, growing, and continuously striving to align one's life more closely with the divine will. It is a reminder that true discipleship is marked by a lifelong commitment to personal and spiritual development, aiming to reflect the character of God more fully as one progresses. This process of growth underscores the importance of both initial faith and continual practice, highlighting that entering the kingdom is both a gift and a responsibility.