CFU Fundraising Update 2024 OCT

CFU Fundraising Update 2024 OCT

We believe that when people see what we are doing, they will share in the purpose of our projects.

By Rick Lyon

Art by Gary Tonge using Midjourney AI


While Gabriel Rymberg has worked for many years to create The Center For Unity, my (Rick Lyon) involvement began on September 30, 2021––three years ago––with the creation of Worldwide Ministry of Jesus, Inc., to set up the financial functions of The Center For Unity.

We have been blessed by the prayers and financial support of over 217 individuals, corporates, and Urantia organizations. The result of this is that we have accomplished many great things over the past three years. The latest being the amazing and the coming Urantia Book Tutor.

These are wonderful new resources for sharing the teachings with others and for our own individual spiritual growth and progress. They are great teaching tools for study groups too.

We are in the process of sending out our first ever fund-raising letter. While the letter is intended to help us fund our projects, the first purpose is to let people know about what is now available to them for the study and sharing of this revelation. A carpenter cannot drive a nail until they first find their hammer.

We believe that when people see what we are doing, share in the purpose of our projects, and how they and others can benefit from them, the prayers and financial support will flow to us. We acknowledge that all of you, our Paradise Father, and our unseen teammates have certainly been good to us.

If you have a mailing address or an email for someone you believe should hear more about CFU, please send their contact information to



Our free Google ad grant has now exceeded 500,000 views. One important element of our success came from a suggestion by Paula Thompson, that is, the Google Ad Grant for not-for-profit organizations.

Google awards $10,000 per month of free advertising to The Center For Unity. We use this to make people aware of our projects and the teachings of The Urantia Book. This is a very powerful and far-reaching tool for sharing the life and teachings of Jesus.

November 6th will be the one-year anniversary of our use of Google Ads. So far, we have had 520,000 people view our ads, 49,049 people clicked on our ad to visit one of our websites, and 4,518 people did something when they visited our websites; they clicked on a page, donated, signed up, or stayed a certain length of time.

Over 75% of our website traffic comes from these ads. Over 12,000 people from 114 countries have found and our other resources through these ads.

While the ads are free, the creation of the ads and the campaigns requires a lot of time and talent that we do not have in-house.

Your donations support this and help us to keep free for anyone in the world who has internet access AND your donations are helping us to create the coming translations of the materials; Spanish is currently in development.