CFU Fundraising 2024 May

CFU Fundraising 2024 May

Together, let's awaken the world to the life and teachings of Jesus as revealed in The Urantia Book.

Fundraising for the CFU – Update

By Rick Lyon

Bringing a Dream to Reality Today

Have you ever dreamed of a film series based on The Urantia Book? Well, here is your opportunity to make that happen.

Imagine yourself snuggled up on the sofa watching your favorite movie channel or in a movie theater, popcorn in your lap, a drink in your hand and as the music begins to play you see something like the image above!

We do not want you to dream this dream with us. We want you to join us to make this dream come true.

We have the production team to do this. We have hundreds of stories to tell from The Urantia Book. This is within our grasp to bring this vision to life; not someday, not in a few years, but NOW, today.

Our Cinematic Jesus project is not just another YouTube video. Cinematic Jesus is not a toy or technology demonstration. Our goal is to fulfil this lament from the Midwayers:

"What an awakening the world would experience if it could only see Jesus as he really lived on earth and know, firsthand, his life-giving teachings! Descriptive words of things beautiful cannot thrill like the sight thereof, neither can creedal words inspire men’s souls like the experience of knowing the presence of God."

We have quotes, in hand, from YES Productions to create three short live actor films based on Part IV of The Urantia Book. They can begin filming in a few months, after scripts are written, actors hired, digital scenery for the Magic Wall is created. The actual filming can be completed in about two days.

Thanks to the use of AI technology and the passion of the producer and director of YES Productions for this project, they have found a way to reduce the original quote to almost half. For $223,655.48 we can make this happen. We need 50% payment upfront to begin the production. We need your help to bring this long standing dream of professional films about The Urantia Book to reality.

Your CFU Team at the Magic Wall in New Orleans

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation at:

Or by mail to:

The Center for Unity,
3223 Caroline St., South Bend, IN 46614-2205, USA
(EIN: 87-3413918).

If you or someone you know is interested in helping to fund these projects, we can arrange a Zoom meeting to provide more details. Together, let's awaken the world to the life and teachings of Jesus as revealed in The Urantia Book.


In November of 2023, we launched our Google Ad Grants campaign. Google provides $10,000 a month in free ads to not-for-profit organizations such as CFU. We hired Cause Inspired to create and manage the campaigns with key word searches to keep the visitor traffic coming to our website and projects: AskJesus and DiscoverJesus. This has proven to be a wise investment. New resources and tools for this revelation and created to serve the people of Urantia are of little value unless we tell people about them and help them find these valuable works. Cause Inspired and Google Ads are helping us do that.

Since November of 2023, just a little over six months ago, our Google ads have been viewed 293,000 times. 26,521 people have clicked on our ads to visit our website and 2557 people did something while on our website, such as clicked on a page, donated, signed up for our newsletter, or stayed a certain length of time.


One of the things that Cause Inspired told us is that the more dynamic our website is, the higher Google will display us in searches. This means that keeping the website content updated and changing is very important to how many people find and benefit from what we are doing. It is also very helpful if everyone reading this will search for us frequently and visit our social media pages to like and subscribe. This is a small but important way you can contribute to our efforts.

Every month, Susan Lyon creates the Behind the Scenes at CFU newsletter.. She creates links in the articles and then uploads the full articles to the blog posts that you are now reading on our website. This makes our website dynamic and constantly renewed with current information and Google loves that. Let me take this opportunity to thank Susan for all the time and effort that she puts into our beautiful newsletter and website every month. It is so very important to our mission and purpose of bringing the life and teachings of Jesus to this world in order to bring people closer to God and each other.